4 Spots Available for Individual Coaching

“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”

– Lao Tzu

I invite you to watch this video.

It is only 10 minutes long.

It is about the radical practice of ‘doing nothing’. I also share some ideas about the nervous system and the power of ‘orienting’.

Many of you are busy and may think it is impossible to pause and stop.I understand that, especially if you are a busy mum or looking after your parents.

But I promise you, this practice is a profound way to recalibrate your nervous system and physiology of the body, release survival stress energy, create more capacity in your system overall and also shift old beliefs about not being worthy (as most of us identify being good enough with doing). The practice is also an invitation to just be.

Moreover, I have recorded the video, as I have been feeling quite tired lately and making videos feels easier than writing, even though it feels challenging to be on camera and make mistakes while I speak English. This is a practice for me also to letting go of being perfect or wanting to ‘get things right’.

I hope you enjoy it and its imperfection! And most importantly, I hope you give yourself the radical permission to stop, be, and pause!

Let me know how it lands and if you want to hear about specific topics.